High-plex Single-Cell
Spatial Omics
With CosMx
As one of the first CROs to commercialize the NanoString CosMx platform, and as a NanoString certified service provider, we have the expertise and personalized services to meet your exact project needs and help you deliver unprecedented spatial-omics insights.
Nature Genetics Call for Spatial-omics Submissions
CosMx SMI Features
RNA + Protein detection
1000s RNAs,
68 proteins
1M+ cells per slide
50 nm resolution
Leading cell segmentation
1-2 copies RNA per cell, multiple probes/gene
optimized for FFPE, fresh frozen, etc.

DxomeCLIA is a CRO providing access to the latest spatial multi-omics 3D imaging technology from NanoString.
Our CosMx spatial imaging service utilizes the CosMx platform to achieve multiomic, multiplex, sub-cellular resolution with high sensitivity from any tissue sample type, even FFPE.
Subcellular Resolution across Millions of Cells with CosMx SMI Technology
CosMx Service for Complete Workflow
- From Slide to Result

Sample Preparation
​Binding Target-Specific Probes on FFPE/Fresh
Not fluorescently labled
Coded with binding sites for fluorescent readout reagents
Protein-based cell segmentation markers

Cyclic Readout
​ Cycling Readout Reagents for Fluorescence Imaging
Fluorescent dye-labeled reporters
Cyclic ISH to cycle on/off flourescent reporters that bind target-specific probes
In situ imaging (no sequencing)

Data Processing & Analysis
​Decoding, Normalization, and Data Analysis
"Spot-finding", combinatorial decoding and mapping
AtoMx Spatial Informatics Platform (cloud-based, scalable, interactive)

Cell Atlasing/Typing
Discover and map cell
types using expression
profiles of known RNA
and protein targets

Biomarker Discovery
Reveal differential gene
expression and pathways in the same cell types depending on their spatial location

Disease State
Visualize and quantify
molecular (RNA / protein)
& cellular organizational changes in a tissue

Tissue Microenvrionment
Understand cellular
neighborhoods by examining individual
cells & their interacting
neighboring cells

Ligand-Receptor Interaction
Analyze expression and
interactions of up to 100
classic ligand-receptor pairs between
interacting cells

RNA Assay

CosMx™ Human Universal Cell Characterization RNA Panel
Profile expression of 1000 highly curated targets at subcellular resolution and customize with up to 50 of your own targets.

CosMx™ Human Immuno-Oncology Panel
Profile expression of 100 transcripts covering immune cells, their activities, and aspects of tumor biology relevant to IO therapies, and customize with up to ten of your own targets.

CosMx™ Mouse Neuroscience Panel
In today's globalized world, chances are you are interacting with people from more than just one country. This is where our multilingual functionality comes into play. Take advantage of this unique capability to expand your reach.
CosMx™ Human 6K Discovery Panel
Profile the most significant genes across every biological pathway​ + over 400 ligand-receptor pairs.

Protein Assay

CosMx™ Human Immuno-Oncology Protein Panel
high-plex spatial analysis of more than 64 proteins from a single FFPE slide at subcellular resolution

CosMx™ Mouse Neuroscience Protein Panel
high-plex spatial analysis of up to 68 proteins from a single FFPE slide at subcellular resolution
Now Available!
Why Dxome?

Spatial focused
We are a CLIA and CAP-accredited lab with a CRO service focused completely on high-plex spatial omics. As one of the first CROs to operationalize the cosmx platform and with our dedicated focus, we deliver both quality results and a great customer experience. You will have direct access to all members of the team from start to finish to make sure your needs are met directly by the team working on your project. We also have multiple instruments online to get you the data you need without delay.
Get A Quote Today !
Have an idea for spatial project? Tell us about what you have in mind or let us know if you have any questions.
If you prefer, you can email us at
info@dxomeclia.com and we'll get right back with you.